Urban Crew visit

Urban Crew


 The Urban Crew Project is a joint initiative between Manchester Communication Academy and Northwards Housing, building on the successful and celebrated former Junior Warden scheme.

This exciting project was launched in September 2011 with nine schools in North and East Manchester signing up and working to similar principals but with added extras such as, ESA’s (Extended School Activities), the Enterprise day and the ASDAN accreditation for every child taking part. At the end of term, we will hold the City Pride Awards ceremony to celebrate our achievements.


What do the Urban Crew Project members actually do?

  • They patrol in pairs switching off lights, turning off taps, monitoring coats on the floor, litter, reporting broken glass, needles, leaks etc. 
  • They record problems identified during patrols requiring further action in the notebook and a ‘job sheet’ and pass it to the appropriate adult for action.

The Urban Crew are the ‘eyes and ears’ of our school community.

  • They encourage fellow-pupils to think about their environment - by not using too much paper in classrooms or paper towels in toilets, also by turning off taps & lights that are on unnecessarily and look for open windows in rooms where the heating is on. 
  • Work proactively in order to prevent accidents such as slipping or tripping on coats by devising incentive reward initiatives for keeping schools tidy and safe.
  • Arrange and carry out litter-picks to keep their schools & community tidy and free from hazards. 
  • Promote good citizenship.

In the community:

The Urban Crew Project venture out of their schools and  working in the community. They get the opportunity to visit a local sheltered accommodation block / other elderly residential homes across North and East Manchester and carry out an environmental litter pick, make up hanging baskets, plant bulbs, sweep pathways of leaves, serve tea, coffee and biscuits and even act as bingo callers.

The children gain a better knowledge of the service provided in such residential homes and therefore come to respect the building as somebody’s home and not just a building on the estate. The residents say that after visits such as this, they feel vibrant and lively after mixing with their younger counterparts, appreciating that not all young people are hoodies and potential wrongdoers. 

Pride in Our Community


The Urban Crew heading out to Whitebeck Court.

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