Exercise not only changes your body it changes your mind, attitude and mood
The Charlestown P.E curriculum has been built by combining National Curriculum expectations and the Striver progressive scheme of work.
At Charlestown Primary School we believe that all children have the opportunity to achieve their full potential in PE and School Sports, through receiving high quality PE and sports teaching through a well-structured and balanced curriculum that shows progression through the year groups. This is done through the Striver app. Children are also encouraged to be their personal best through striver challenges reflecting our commitment to hard work and resilience.
All pupils leaving our primary school are physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
Concept |
Why study this concept? |
Fitness |
This concept involves engaging children to develop an excellent attitude towards health and fitness and understand the importance that it has on their everyday lives both in and out of school. Due to the growth of technology, there has been a significant rise in sedentary behaviour and it is important that the children are educated about making positive lifestyle choices throughout their school journey. These choices have a significant impact on developing our pupils physically, socially and mentally. |
Dance |
The concept of dance is an area in which children are able to express themselves in a variety of ways. Children enjoy dance as an expressive art form and as a tool for social interaction with their peers.Dance is an appealing physical activity for children as they are able to improve in a variety of areas of health and fitness and they can transfer these into different areas of P.E. |
Gymnastics |
This concept links closely to the concept of dance and both should be used to develop a variety of different skills throughout a child’s journey through school life. Gymnastics is a series of exercises that require balance, strength, flexibility, agility, coordination and endurance, all key fundamental skills in the National Curriculum. Children also learn how to act safely and responsibly at all times whether this on apparatus suitable for each year group, or how to conduct themselves in all areas of P.E. As there are limited Gymnastic resources in the local area, it is vital that the children are able to explore this concept and demonstrate an understanding of a series of movement skills. |
Games |
Games are key concept that builds upon teaching of key skills in a variety of different sports. Children are involved with games on a daily basis and will often need to problem solve, apply different skills and work cooperatively with other children. By learning different games early on in their school lives, our children will understand the importance of working effectively with others and the ethics of fair play in all sports. From this, our children will be able to know the rules and tactics in a variety of games and have the confidence to create their own games, whether this is at school or in a home setting. They are able to positively reflect on their performance and that of others and be able to evaluate different ways to improve. Each child is encouraged to try their best and know that this is good enough, especially in competitive situations at school and competitive events. |
Athletics |
Athletics is a concept that involves combining a broad range of skills and learning to use them in an effective way. Children are encouraged to achieve their personal bests and understand the importance of improving in different disciplines of the sport. By learning key fundamental skills, the children will apply these in a variety of running, jumping and throwing events. As they develop into Key Stage 2, each child will evaluate their own performance and that of others and are enabled to suggest different ways to improve. |
Swimming |
We understand the importance of ensuring that all of our children have the opportunity to strive to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of over 25 metres. Many Charlestown children arrive at school with limited experience in the water and it is important that this concept is explored to give our children confidence in a variety of different situations. |
Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA) play a part in each and every child’s lives, whether this is navigating their way to school or working successfully with others. At Charlestown, we aim to improve each child’s personal and social development through team exercises and key outdoor experiences, such as orienteering of which we have our own bespoke course within the school grounds. All children in Key Stage 2 are given the opportunity to visit an outdoor education centre as part of key outdoor learning. |